20 sept. 2015

Dogs Days Are Over.

Okay, c'est reparti pour un tour:
Apparemment mon nouveau but est de poster trois fois par an, mais je vais essayer de me surpasser cette année et de poster au moins quatre fois ! Je triche donc en faisant deux articles différents pour un seul shoot. En même temps avec 700 photos à la fin de la séance, il valait mieux être raisonnable et réaliste.
Donc la première partie de mon shoot avec ma belle Céline, ma merveilleuse Marjolaine au make-up et coiffure, mes robes et les bottes de Céline et le parc de Bercy au début de l'été.
C'était la première fois que Céline posait et mon dieu qu'elle est douée, c'est naturel chez elle. Du coup ça fonctionnait très bien pour un shoot type Test/Book. (Je compte la reprendre en photo en plus "artistique" si/dès que je peux, qu'elle soit d'accord ou pas)
Du coup je vous laisse profiter de sa beauté et je vous retrouve comme toujours sur la Page pour la suite dans les deux semaines à venir, j'espère !
(Comme d'hab, cliquez sur les photos pour les voir en plus joli)

4 sept. 2015

Miles Away

Okay, so this is a different kind of post.
It's been 3 months since I came back from my trip in England and I finally got my last film back so I guess it's really over now.
I won't talk (write) long about how great it was or how much I needed it but I have to say thanks.
First to all the couchsurfers I stayed with: Angharad (and Christian and Nala) for making my first experience the best I could have asked for, Mihkel for making me watch Whiplash and laughing so much (I hope your dissertation went well), Edward for the best morning tea  and for sending me this picture of the French dog yesterday and all the ones before (and after, I hope), Teddy for being the one who made me realise that maybe it was a brave thing to do, Mareile for not hating me when I mistook pepper for paprika, Lauren for the amazing pancakes and taking me to a London bonfire, Ciro for the story about the crazy host you had, Alejandro for the conversations you had with your friends about Colombia and everything I learned about it, Victoria and Jaz for letting me tag along everywhere with your families and friends and great conversations, Jordan for letting me be awful at GTA and trying to make me improve, Martynna for making me discover and love Polish food and for generally being you, Bev and Dani for your little restaurant upstairs and for your story, Ed for Pudding and not being too scared by me and Solene (and for letting me come back this summer!), Chiara for the laughing fits about the awful jokes and finally Sayali for being my cosmic twin. You're more than half why this trip was so amazing.
I need to thank my loves: Alice, for being the bridge between France and England and Anaïs, Katia and Solène, for joining me and bringing me a little bit of Frenchness with them.
Maybe I should thank England for being so pretty and diverse and interesting and soothing and so English, but it's weird to thank a country, isn't it ?

Fish-eye yeah